Accessibility Statement

At Realco Real Estate Investments Ltd., we place great importance on providing accessible services to people with disabilities while maintaining their dignity and privacy, offering courteous and respectful service that allows for independent, safe, and equal access to services in accordance with the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law, 1998, and the Accessibility Regulations for Public Services, 2013 (hereinafter: “the legal provisions”). To this end, considerable effort and resources are invested in making the necessary accessibility adjustments to ensure that individuals with disabilities can receive the same services provided to all customers, in an independent and equal manner. Below is detailed information about the accessibility measures implemented at Realco Real Estate Investments Ltd.:

Accessibility of the Premises
The premises are accessible to people with disabilities and include the following services:

  • Disabled parking
  • Elevator for people with disabilities
  • Accessible door
  • Accessible restrooms

Website Accessibility Actions
Here are some of the actions taken to enhance website accessibility:

  • Website content is written in simple and clear language and is well-organized semantically with headings, paragraphs, lists, and more.
  • Text-to-background contrast ratios meet accessibility standards.
  • Keyboard navigation – by pressing the Tab key, users can navigate between areas of the site.
  • Links on the site are clear and provide an explanation of their destination.
  • Font size can be adjusted by pressing the CTRL key and using the mouse scroll wheel.
  • The website is optimized for viewing on various browsers.
  • The site is adapted for different screen resolutions.

We prioritize the accessibility of both our office and website. Therefore, we have made and continue to make efforts to provide easy access to our offices and ensure compliance with the legal provisions. We are actively working to improve the accessibility of the website and our services in line with our commitment to making the website usable for the general public, including people with disabilities, and in accordance with legal requirements.

Please note that despite our efforts to make all pages on the website accessible, attached documents (such as PDFs, Word, Excel) are still in the process of being made accessible, and we are working to complete this task.

If you need a document from the website that is not accessible, please contact us with a link to the page, and we will address it promptly.

If you find an inaccessible component or page on the website, we would appreciate it if you contact us so we can correct it as soon as possible.

Feedback and Accessibility Inquiries
We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving website accessibility. If you encounter pages or any part of the website that is not properly accessible, please contact us via the ‘Contact Us’ page on the website.

Have a Question?
Feel free to talk to us!